Aviation & Airport Security
According to the Aviation Security Act, the operator of an airfield has to ensure that it is protected from attacks on its´ security. Both land- and airside have to be physically separated by a barrier that might be accessed through checkpoints. Consistent and effective control measures have to in place in order to deny unauthorized access to security areas. The basic security concept provides either an electronic system that limits the access to a single individual or physical access control executed by specially authorized and trained personnel.
Moreover, employees of other companies working at the airport who have been granted access to security as well as sensitive areas, have to be checked, escorted and monitored. This includes screening of equipment, gear and vehicles. Our staff works on the basis of §8 German Aviation Security Act in conjunction with European Union Implementing Provision 2015/1998 which provides standards and measures of aviation security, including special training requirements.
In addition to the use of mobile and modular security technology the screening of individuals and vehicles follows the so called “hand-screening-method”. Apart from good training, this method requires experience, knowledge of human nature and sure instinct. Our staff has these core competences and is thus very well suited for access control duties, monitoring and guarding.
We offer the following services in the field of Aviation & Airport Security:
- Area surveillance and patrolling of public and non-public areas, including car parks and open areas
- Alarm tracing in sensitive areas
- Ramp security measures
- Escort and monitoring of other companies working at the airport